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Archive for the ‘Cavities’ Category

Cavities and Cardiovascular Disease

Cavities and Cardiovascular Disease







February is American Heart Month. Your heart is at the center of your overall health. You probably know that keeping your heart in shape is a good way to live a long and happy life.…

Did You Know You Can Actually Reverse Cavities By Changing Your Diet?

Did You Know You Can Actually Reverse Cavities By Changing Your Diet?

You probably know – at least to some degree – that the foods you eat can affect the state of your gums and teeth. How often you eat them also plays a role. Have too many servings of sugary treats, for example, and you’re more likely to experience tooth decay.…

What Sugar Can Do to Your Teeth… and How You Can Combat It

What Sugar Can Do to Your Teeth… and How You Can Combat It


As a kid, your parents no doubt told you that too much sugar would rot your teeth. They may not have known exactly how, but they were exactly right. A high-sugar diet does increase your risk of developing dental decay.…

Are Artificial Sweeteners Actually Good for Your Teeth?

Are Artificial Sweeteners Actually Good for Your Teeth?


Many people use artificial sweeteners to cut calories or keep blood sugar levels under control. However, have you ever wondered if those sweeteners might be affecting your body and health in other ways?…

Are Fillings for Cavities Always Necessary? The Answer May Surprise You

Are Fillings for Cavities Always Necessary? The Answer May Surprise You


You may think that if you have a cavity, a filling is inevitable. After all, isn’t that just what you do to fix your tooth and avoid further problems?


Yes… most of the time. However, new technologies are making other treatments possible.…